9 Matching Sweatsuits To Add To Your Wardrobe - En Route

9 Matching Sweatsuits To Add To Your Wardrobe

It's the new age of sweat co-ords

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There is no question this cultural icon is certainly having a moment. But, this is not the tracksuits first foray into cult status territory.

Most of us have likely been privy to the rise and fall of the humble two-piece sweat, beginning with the early Juicy Couture days right through to the streetwear style adoption of athleisurewear in more current times.

There is just something about the comfort levels that come with a loose fit, soft-touch sweat duo. Once a forbidden day look is now high in demand and a mandatory addition to our wardrobe. Surely, this means we’ve really come full circle with the trend cycle from the early naughties till now. 

I for one, am very willing to adopt the trend. Admittedly, I am late to the party here, however, an adopter nonetheless. I mean, who amongst us doesn’t revel in the comfort our comfiest track pants and hoodie?

I say suit up and own this surely fleeting lounge-style treat that is here for a good time, not a long time. 

Click through to see the best of what’s on offer for your next sweatsuit buy. 


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