
What Does Cuticle Oil Even Do?
A little more than you actually think
I’m back into a normal routine with my first manicure done and dusted after the disaster they were during restrictions. As my appointment was coming to an end, I wondered, what is the point of the cuticle oil that was hurriedly brushed across my perfectly manicured nails? Is it merely a fancy ending to a manicure?
I asked Nail Expert Alison Bowhill Hayes, from Sally Hansen and Katie Chapman from COTY to answer the very important question “What does cuticle oil even do?” and, I think you will be surprised with what I found out.
Cuticles are probably one of the most forgotten parts of our body if not the most forgotten part that hardly shares any of the spotlight. You may not know but our cuticles serve a greater purpose than you may think. “Healthy cuticles go hand in hand with healthy nails,” says Katie, “The cuticle is the piece of skin that connects your nails and it’s also (serves as) a protective barrier.”
- Do not cut your cuticles: What? …I had the same reaction, our cuticles cover the cells that help to grow and build our nails, and they act as a barrier to bacteria and infection. Without our cuticles or bad cuticle care, we are more susceptible to infection and unhealthy nails.
Rather than cutting the cuticles, just push them back, cutting cuticles don’t have any purpose other than for aesthetic reasons.
- Moisturise & Moisturise again: Moisturising your hands daily not only helps to hydrate them, but also hydrating your cuticles at the same time. Cuticles can become dry very easily, keeping them healthy and hydrated will equal healthy nails! You’ll start to notice that in general, your nails grow longer and healthier for it.

Cuticle oil “Rejuvenates and re-energises the growth and strength of nails. It usually contains powerful anti-oxidants such as Vitamin E and a complex of rich moisturisers to improve nail flexibility,” tells Alison.
How It Works:
Cuticle oil works as a “Bit of a coat of armour that has a moisture lock function and this protects our nail colour,” explains Alison, which helps to extend the life of our nail polish.
How Often:
We should be using our cuticle oil every day, “As much as possible right now with all the extra washing and sanitising,” says Alison, especially as we’ve come into colder weather.
“As soon as the temperature drops, we take longer hotter showers and use heaters, this is extremely dehydrating and affects us through poor circulation. In turn, we will see the strength and health of our nails decline due to loss of moisture and decreased blood flow,” adds Alison.

When choosing a cuticle oil, Alison suggests to “Check that the ingredients are natural and pure with a combination of Vitamin E and vegetable oils, with a dropper or a brush in the bottle for easy application, as it’s an oil it can be messy to work with.”

Sally Hansen
Cuticle Rehab

Pro Spa Nail & Cuticle Oil

Nourishing Cuticle Care

Dr Hauschka
Neem Nail & Cuticle Oil
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