
Remember Her Name: Four Trailblazing Females You Should Know
Because why not educate yourself on International Women’s Day?
Females to the front: March 8 is a day for all to celebrate the diversity, capability and incredibility of women worldwide. It’s also the date that we formally recognise the inequality that those who identify as women are faced with on the daily.
International Women’s Day began as a movement in 1911 to end harmful workplace conditions and exploitation, while also demanding equal rights and equal pay. Imagine living in Australia in 2022, and still not having the right to vote… nuh-uh, bruh.
Even though we’re more than 100 years beyond the inaugural women’s march in New York, women’s rights still have such a long way to go. (Yeah, did you know our gender pay gap is still 14.2%?) Thankfully, we are taking small and measured steps forward, while keeping one eye firmly fixed on the future when it comes to progress.
The United Nations theme for International Women’s Day this year is “Changing Climates: Equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”, and our Aussie women are—more so than ever—championing the climate change conversation from the ground up.
While 67% of all climate-related decision-making roles are currently held by men (boo), here’s five ground-breaking females lending their voice to sustainability who we think you should know and respect—we certainly do!
Love and power,
The En Route Team x

How does Koala Eco achieve equality within the business?
You could say it’s something that started right from the very beginning with Koala Eco, because the company’s co-founders are my husband Paul and me. From the get-go, we shared the idea, shared the risk and the uncertainty—would our business idea succeed—and then together, built from there.
We are fortunate to have some incredibly talented women on the Koala Eco team. Most of them are in the online business space, and all of them invest such intelligence and commitment into their work with us. One of the most meaningful things we share is our ability to support and encourage one another. This ability is based on a deep mutual respect, and a genuine desire to see every one of us succeed.
I would add that with true equality, it doesn’t matter what gender a person is on the Koala Eco team. Respect, fairness and courtesy: these are personal and company values that I can see and feel being practised among us every working day.
Why is commitment to sustainability so important for our future, and why are females driving this movement?
If we don’t commit to sustainability, then we will have failed our children and future generations. I think for those of us who are mothers or are responsible for the care of little ones, this imperative can be particularly strong. We are hardwired to protect and nurture, and this fierce instinct is perhaps what drives so many women to champion sustainability.
We’re also really good at being collaborative. There’s such a groundswell movement at the moment with women supporting women. Creating a supportive environment is nothing new for us; it’s something we’ve instinctively been doing for such a long time. Seeing this sense of support and encouragement emerge into the online business world is truly amazing. Women are realising that by supporting, collaborating and working with other women, it is giving everyone involved an opportunity to truly get ahead with their business.
I’m so inspired by the kindness of my female friends and of other female-led businesses, encouraging each other and forming a community. We can do this: raise families and support each other and succeed while making a difference.
The product I’m most proud of making is…
Probably the first one we launched because so much was riding on it! This was our Natural Multipurpose Kitchen Cleaner with Lemon Myrtle and Mandarin essential oils. We worked so hard with our chemists and labs to make a real winner to launch our company, and it’s been one of our top sellers ever since.
Lemon Myrtle {Backhousia citriodora} has fresh, evergreen, lemony notes, and is really effective at deodorizing and removing bacteria while acting as a natural mood booster. Mandarin {Citrus reticulata} is nature’s perfect pick-me-up, its scent promoting happiness, contentment and calm. But it also has fabulous antibacterial properties as well, which when combined with other plant-based ingredients, make it a truly powerful cleaner.
We wanted to start with a product that could do everything, and I find I use this everywhere: the fridge, benchtops, kids’ lunchboxes, wherever.
Buy Jessica’s Natural Multi-Purpose Kitchen Cleaner from Koala Eco for $12.95

How does St Hallett achieve equality within the business?
St Hallett is part of a rich and diverse portfolio of Australian wine that make up Accolade Wines, one of the biggest wine companies in the world. We’re committed to gender equity, providing equal opportunities and access to career opportunities, as well as training and benefits for all employees regardless of their background or circumstances. Particularly over the last decade we have seen more and more women step up into senior roles. Today, six out of seven of Accolade Wine’s premium wineries across Australia are managed by women.
Why is commitment to sustainability so important for our future, and personally to you as a female?
I am passionate about embracing and prioritising innovative techniques and technologies in the winemaking process from vineyard to packaging. I participate as a mentor in an innovation start up program run by Flinders University and regularly participate in webinar / zoom calls regarding winemaking innovations. At St Hallett we are embracing sustainable practices including increasing our energy efficiency and reducing all types of waste. We are constantly challenging what it means to be efficient, effective and sustainable.
The product I’m most proud of making is….
I’m proud of all of the St Hallett wines as they all represent our brand DNA extremely well. That being said, if I must pick one right, it would be the 2015 St Hallett Planted 1919. The wine celebrates a single vineyard planted from 1919. I am really proud that we have released a Shiraz which shows a different side of the Barossa. The wine is a medium-bodied, elegant and tightly wound wine that will age as gracefully as the centenarian vines that produced the grapes.
Buy Helen’s 2015 St Hallett Planted 1919 at St Hallet for $450.00

How does Bread Beauty Supply achieve equality within the business?
BREAD was born, first and foremost, from a desire to see more women (women of color in particular) as owners and leaders of large global beauty brands. The beauty, though sometimes considered frivolous, wields incredible power over culture. All of this to say that BREAD was created with a desire for equality built into the foundation of business. From what we do and who we create for, equality is and always will be a cornerstone. We serve an underserved segment of the market, because equality in access to beauty is incredibly important.
Behind the scenes, our entire business is women. To be frank, that wasn’t intentional. We just hired the best people for the roles, and that’s how it panned out.
Why is commitment to sustainability so important for our future, and personally to you as a female?
A commitment to sustainability is the most important one that we can make – both as people and as a business. I think sometimes the idea of environmental sustainability can feel divorced from the impact that climate change will have on people. People, as in all of us. I can’t fathom how that isn’t an issue that we all should care about deeply and be tackling together.
The product I’m most proud of making is…
hair-oil: everyday gloss. It’s the most incredible oil that truly works for every hair type. Seeing the spectrum of people who love this product, from super coily to stick straight, makes me incredibly proud to have created something that feels truly inclusive

How does Maison Tjoeng achieve equality within the business?
My brand is 100% female owned and predominately female operated! I collaborate with a wide range of partners who share our values of equality for all genders and identities. I am a passionate feminist and believe everyone has the right to be valued on their merit, and not judged on their bodies or identities. The jewellery industry is perhaps one of those rare industries though where it seems quite balanced.
Why is commitment to sustainability so important for our future, and personally to you as a female?
Worldwide, women are more susceptible to the impacts of poverty, through war, climate change or displacement. Poverty keeps women disproportionately out of education, out of the economy and out of innovation. Educating women and giving them access to voluntary family planning is one of the most effective solutions to reducing global carbon emissions.
In developed nations, the majority of eco conscious products are marketed to women. Sustainable consumer choices seem to unfairly fall on women for household products, food, children, cosmetics and fashion. There is still this pervading idea that femininity means nurturing and masculinity means power, which leads to the way products are marketed and sold. For instance, the idea of powerful petrol cars being masculine and veganism being feminine, I think the more conversations we have to change these ideas about gender roles the more beneficial it will be for the planet.
The product I’m most proud of making is…
I truly couldn’t choose only one design or piece that I am most proud of, I love all of my designs – they are lovingly crafted with recycled gold and ethically sourced gemstones, and they are all an expression of my artistry.
When I first started Maison Tjoeng, it took a lot of courage to get to the point of showing my designs to anyone. Opening yourself up to criticism on the designs and ideas that you laboured over, agonised over and invested in, which in turn feels like a judgement on who you are personally. I am sure most creatives feel this way, but I am proud of myself for having the courage to stay true to my vision and bring it to the world.
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