En Route Lazy Girls Guide - #LGG To Home Workouts

#LGG To Home Workouts

A Lazy Girls Guide to home workouts with Libby Babet

Welcome to another #LGG  – A Lazy Girls Guide where we share our love of shortcuts, life hacks and quickies.

Today in the spirit of WFH life, I tapped Celebrity wellness expert and Biggest Loser trainer, Libby Babet to walk me through her recommendations to a Lazy Girls Guide to working out at home. 



Q: If you only have 3 minutes to do an exercise, what would you do?

DW - I hate working out so there is a big part of me that is loving staying at home because I have zero guilt about not going to the gym. How can you motivate someone like me?
You’re not alone, everyone feels like this from time to time, me included. But I typically start to go a bit stir crazy if I can’t at least move my body a little, and I bet you will too a few days in!

What I do to get myself moving again is set a low bar…
Don’t aim to exercise for an hour, aim to exercise for 5 mins. Chances are, once you start, you’ll keep going for more than 5 mins, but even 5 mins is a great start.

Next, try to do something every day, ideally at the same time each day. This will form a habit which is the key to any long-term change in your life. Do you need to be motivated to stay on track with brushing your teeth? Didn’t think so!
A little hack here is to make a game of it – put up a calendar and cross off every day that you do 5 min of exercise or more. Pretty soon you don’t want to break the chain!

Finally, find something you enjoy. Most people associate exercise with pain which we tend to shy away from, so find something you associate with pleasure.
That’s why I started The Upbeat Bondi where we workout to the beat, because it’s loads of fun and the music motivates you so even if you’re feeling sluggish, soon you’re excited to get going as the music lifts your vibes!
To get on our live online streaming classes you need to book in for a set time which gives you that little bit of extra motivation too, not to mention much needed social interaction while we’re all locked away inside!
DW - Given we’re all spending a lot of time in non ergonomic positions like working from our dining tables etc, what are some exercises we should be considering to avoid bad posture post ISO?

Google the following:

1.     ‘Hip Thrusters’ and ‘Side-Lying Leg Lifts’ and ‘Clam Shell Exercises’ to engage your glutes (butt), ‘Deadlifts’ to engage your hammies and upper back, and ‘Prone Rows’ or any weighted/banded pull exercises to activate those upper back muscles too.

2.     Stretch to release your hip flexors, neck and shoulders, and wrists are important too.



Q: Best at home exercise for sculpting your butt?

DW - I often get sore forearms and wrists from hours of typing, is there anything I can do to avoid this or work towards strengthening my forearms?

Firstly, get a padded mouse pad!

Secondly, take more breaks! That old 25 minutes of work versus 5 minutes of movement is a good rule of thumb to operate by. Those sore forearms and wrists are overuse injury, so make sure in those 5 minutes you move them in different ways, bending your wrists the opposite way they’d be positioned on your keypad and rotating them, etc.

DW - If you choose to work out in intervals throughout the day does this still have the same effect as if you were doing an hour long session?

Either is totally fine.

People overcomplicate things when it comes to health. Three regular meals or six little ones? One long workout or three little ones? Honestly, quality movement is the goal and however, you like to get it done, go for it!

If you do choose intervals, they need to be high intensity to be very effective though, so if you have injuries, sometimes longer and slower can be a better move!

DW - How can we keep fit at home doing self-isolation and not bore ourselves with the same exercise routine?

There are loads of fitness apps and Youtube videos and so many studios now live streaming and providing really great at-home resources, so you’re spoiled for choice.

As I mentioned above, my advice is always find something you enjoy. I’ve always loved dance and music and interesting, functional movement, so The Upbeat Bondi is my expression of that and I seriously love it! No motivation required, the music sorts that for you.

The other important thing to look for is some social interaction. With our classes we can all see each other and say hi at the beginning and end of the class which is the part I love the most as it feels like we’re all in the same room and keeps me feeling connected.



Q: Favourite dance move?

Keep moving with Libby by tuning into The Upbeat’s LIVE class streaming here or by checking out our full set of rapid-fire questions with Libby on our IGTV here


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