Unyoked Are Offering You A Chance To Breathe New Life Into Your Next Novel - En Route
unyoked writers residency

Unyoked Are Offering You A Chance To Breathe New Life Into Your Next Novel

Here's how to get no-strings access to Unyoked Cabins for 6 months

Need to breathe new life into your next novel? Have you stumbled on writer’s block? What if we told you, you can get no-strings access to one of Unyoked’s cabins to finally finish that novel you were working on?

Unyoked’s ethos and lifestyle are expanding beyond the wilderness and into the pages with the announcement of their inaugural Writer’s Residency 2021. Unyoked will be searching for up-and-coming writers to submit nature writing, poems and short essays to be considered for the initiative and the opportunity to be published in the very first Unyoked Anthology. Submissions close on the 30th of May.

Not many of us realise how powerful the outdoors can be for creativity - Cam Grant, co-founder and CEO

You could be one of four Wilderness Residents to be selected for the initiative, receiving regular, no-strings access to Unyoked cabins for the next six months, allowing your imaginative spirits to run wild. In addition to your stay, you will have your winning submission published in print.

Writers are invited to submit their poetry, essays, and nature writing of up to 800 words to Unyoked by May 30, 2021. The Anthology is looking to include pieces that are vivid, evocative, and fresh, inspired by the awe of the wilderness. Rather than simply a travelogue, successful submissions will capture the thrill of nature, and the intense awe and perspective that stay with us – even in the concrete jungle.

Click here to apply now: https://unplug.unyoked.co/writers


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